
Have internet outage. Call @MediacomSupport. They're sending a tech out in 4 days and are trying to upsell me outdated technology. Helpful.

Hey there! Your modem appears to be online now; what problem are you having?*RW
just lots of intermittent connectivity today. It is happening in right now actually.
I do see some pretty big dips in the upstream signal-to-noise ratio at the modem and CMTS. I think it would be best to jump(1/2)
(2/2)right to setting up a tech visit so he can check locally and get any maintenance orders needed put in. Shall I set that up?*RW
yep. I think there's one scheduled for Tuesday... But anything sooner would be great
I checked and we did have an opening slightly sooner. I'll DM the details.*RW
mediacomcc is our internal domain. What to a more normal site like Google?*RW
Hey there, can you follow so I can get that DM to you?*RW
the same. I was concurrently pinging my router, google, and mediacomcc. Router: stable. Everything external: intermittent.
There is a special place in hell for those people