
I really need to figure out how to clear my mind.

Meditation for sure. If you're new to it find some guided meditations as intros.
Shmoke waeed and walk around thw shallow end for a few hours.


Meditation can be helpful, but I think different dosages work for different people. Some people find just 20 minutes a day to be extremely helpful, for other people intense periods of several hours a day can be necessary to make a difference.

I used to go on intensive meditation retreats more frequently, but it's been a while since I've been on one. I did a 10 day Vipassana meditation course a few years ago that was very helpful. I've also done lots of weekend retreats.
I use Meditation apps 3-5 times a week. Helps a lot!
That sounds like a good idea, which apps do you use?
Whatever helps people, more power to you. In some ways the old fashioned hard-core meditation practices can be pretty difficult, especially enduring back pain and leg pain after many meditation sessions. I try to alternate my leg posture between different sessions so that at least the pain is in different spots at different times, rather than the same spot all the time.

But I think it's a personal thing whether all that work is worthwhile or not. For me I think those practices are necessary, for other people other things might work.
I've discovered a website called doyogawithme.com where they guide you through classes in varying styles of yoga, instructors, ability levels (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and length of time you have to devote to the practice. When you select Yoga Classes at their website you can input your criteria, I usually just select the amount of time I have to give to it. (0-20, 20-40,40-60, or 60+ minutes) Then I look through the classes offered. There are SO many to chose from. But some examples are, restorative, shoulders, lower back, hamstrings and many more.