
An old woman in our new neighborhood called the cops on me and my buddy last week for looking suspicious at the pool. Achievement: unlocked.

Hey @CLINT are you ok? @RIOzay is concerned.
you get your car?


@broox @CLINT @RIOzay Shit. Now I'm worried too.


@TheKevinSwitzer @broox @CLINT #isclintokay


If anyone has any information on @Clint, please let @RIOzay and @broox know. We're all worried. #isClintOkay


can't wait for the housewarming 😂


faved for new display name


In her defense ya'll are sketch af...
You should introduce her to this guy.
She's about to have a bad time during your birthday no pants party.
sometimes shook up old ladies get cut...
Better take her a pie or casserole. Food works every time.
You've been granted a race card ! Use judiciously
Anyone else spot the @broox shoutout in the Prez’s speech?
@tzsfo @broox "homegrown demagogues"?!
My neighborhood association has a few people who call the cops all the time for nothing, one cop told me there is a lady who wants the mailman arrested, "he only took the job to rob her!" Crazy people everywhere