
Democrats haven't won 3 terms in a row in 76 years. The odds were hugely against them. The pendulum swung back hard this time.

@jameseliason @broox We didn't vote to pass it, our Supreme Court ruled barring it unconstitutional. Then we voted out 3 of the judges who made that call. 😕
@jameseliason @broox right. VP candidate passed legislation to actively discriminate against said gay marriage.
@geoffwood @broox exactly...so that voice was heard, and voted out the judges.
@Jackovin @broox not going to argue about this. Not a Trump fan, Not a Hillary fan. I'm disappointed to see so much negativity. Thats all.
@jameseliason @broox Ok, now I don't follow
@geoffwood @broox but its currently legal no?
@jameseliason @broox Right but that doesn't disprove ignorance in our state. At the same time, punishing the Justices for that ruling seems to support ignorance
@geoffwood @broox so the ignorance is that Iowa voted for Trump? Related: I did not vote for him. But I'm an American and I rally.
@jameseliason @broox Not to speak for Broox but I think that was start of this convo.
@TLWashburn @aconbere @milesmiles @justinvf @CLINT @iandees @james_r_meehan @zaneshelby @RyanK @SamMcVeety @broox @lucky33 holy fuck
@geoffwood @broox Iowa is not ignorant. I'll end it at that guys. Stay positive.
junior miners and major minors $JNUG, $NUGT,


@RobJustJokin @broox according to snopes that's false t.co/6MesfkJPHi this allegedly happened 20 yrs ago? Why file now? Always had $


@reddhed @RobJustJokin oh ok, dropped. nm. Great dude. Real stand up guy.
@broox @RobJustJokin never said that he was a stand up guy and don't really support him. No reason to spread lies tho


undid my retweet. Thank you for fact checking what I did not.