I do love living here, truth be told.
How's the view from the 90's?


Ok this might sound weird but tell everyone back then to not vote for Trump in 2016.


@broox @iandees wow journeys is there a claire's ??
@broox @iandees Serenity Scoture
@broox @CLINT Those are pretty cool escalators too.


@broox @iandees Scroture
@broox @CLINT @iandees Wait, "vintage" Nirvana sh.... shit I'm old, grab me 2


@kinsteronline @broox @CLINT @iandees Hot Topic is the place to be for shirts. I have no idea how physical retail stores survive, especially in malls.
@broox @iandees Clearly, it's a fixed point in time now. I like to think that this really is the best timeline. Like, Trump winning prevents the singularity
Because speedtraps and fuck pedestrians. If it was any closer to wdm it would have been sucked into it long ago
You mean, West Des Wauclivendale Heights?