It means we beat top 5 teams like it's our job
Don't drink the kool-aid up there. I know Ames is right there but don't do it
It's just one example of what makes cyclone fans a bunch of clowns ... and also what keeps non believers laughing at us. Which then makes the exCYment of a big win feeling super great. Also now there are bunch of ridiculous emojis 🚨πŸŒͺ

But here's the real answer as far as I can see... the year we beat OSU at home (or maybe year after?) the team poster center typology was a bold "ONE" I think.

Yay for us
I bet you're​ real fun at parties.
So no one knows what it means, but it looks/sounds cool. Got it.
Does this mean for the first time in program history that they might actually be favored in a game? Lol