
Is anyone building dynamic personal web sites these days? If so, where are you hosting? What languages and frameworks are you building with? I really wanna rebuild my ancient site.

@broox @harper I’m looking at redesigning mine, mainly adding a Jekyll based blog along with the DJ set pages it’s already powering. Hosted at webfaction, who have been uniformly terrific for nearly a decade. Wish my design fu was stronger.
Check out the recent #newwwyear hashtag. Lots of inspiration!
i still have an ancient DreamHost account that I was thinking of using (they will run Python or Ruby through Passenger) or putting something on a Linode machine.


@iandees @broox If you have any questions about the services we offer, let us know! -LV
yea, i'm on liquid web (formerly Rackspace Cloud, and before that Mosso). running old school PHP + jQuery, heh. i *think* i'd like a python or node api with a largely client-side web application.
I've been playing with Python+Flask on Lambda using Zappa. It might be worth a try.


Srsly, your site is terribly old. I find Digital Ocean is top notch for full on hosting. Get tricky and build something static on the front backed with lambda or functions, you should do that.


@kinsteronline @broox Also take a look at Lightsail
That's kinda the route I wanna go. Client side app with node/python APIs.
@iandees @broox if you like flask, you might also like chalice t.co/4dUrCJsOQz

little more directly “baked” for lambda/api gateway.
I recently moved mine to the free tier of Google Cloud Platform, Compute Engine - so basically a VPS (App Engine, Kubernetes & Cloud Functions are also available).
@iandees @broox Just remember, you're still hosting some stuff for me on that ancient dreamhost account! ;-)

When did they get python support?
