
Aside from touch ID, I don't think there's been a single time that the MacBook Pro touchbar has improved my efficiency... If anything, it's done the opposite.

I completely agree. Adjusting the volume and brightness is a pain. Touch ID to unlock is the only real benefit for my usage.
@aaronsalmon @broox i was a touchbar hater until I learned you can tap and slide on the volume/brightness controls. the weirdly shaped arrow keys, though, are an abomination
@aaronsalmon @broox Getting the existing brightness/volume keys back is possible with the "Expanded control strip" option. t.co/kgoS2ZLOtD


@aaronsalmon @broox I hit the “esc” button on the touch bar CONSTANTLY by accident, closing out windows and workspaces while editing. It’s insanely frustrating.
@cgansen @broox Ooooh the single tap and slide is better. def. but it still requires more attention to slide to where you want it. The beauty of the physical buttons was the ability to do it almost mindlessly.
@iandees @broox Expanded is the way to go. I do miss the touch by feel so it didn’t even require a glance.