
Taking my dog to the vet today felt like the sketchiest thing that I’ve done during this pandemic... but the receptionist, who was eating, wiping her nose, sharing her phone, and printing my receipt all at the same time would’ve been gross *without* the pandemic.

let me know if you need a suggestion on a new vet :) ours is pretty darn good and has been great through this.
A recommendation certainly wouldn’t hurt!
our vet has us wait in the car and do everything over phone and email
Ours said they were taking things seriously, but that turned out to not be true. I was the only person wearing a mask. Doctors included. No respect for people’s space. Poor hygiene all around.
I hope it wasn’t our vet. We go to the one on 9th just north of the QT - we have only been in to pick up meds but it’s been a no contact sort of process. Very happy with them after being to several a few years back after our old vet retired.
Might have to check that one out. Thanks!
wow. just wow. my vet everyone has a face mask and clear shield