
i really wish i could use objective-c style method names in other languages. i love the readability of mixing arguments into the name.

That is the exact opposite of what I have heard everyone else say! Have you checked out that obj c to js thing?
Yeah. It is weird at first, but once you get used to it, it seems better... sorta like everything else apple does/uses.
I like the method calling convention, but the memory model confuses me. Not sure when to deallocate...
When you pull out, you deallocate.
agree with ben. it is confusing. but i think that you only have to dealloc when you explicitly call alloc. i think that if you use helper methods to initialize things, they always clean up the memory for you.

...or you could just dealloc everything and then remove the deallocs that cause your app to not compile. ;)
Yeah, you want to control where you dealloc.