
BAM. taxes filed... glad i had plenty of money in that @SmartyPig emergency fund account. time for a beer.

how do you like @smartypig? i've been thinking about opening an account there.


i like it quite a lot. the interest rate is good, plus the goals kinda make saving fun - weird.
Just set up a @SmartyPig savings account. Thanks to @broox for showing me the light.
@KevinSwitzer yes, @broox should seriously be earning some commission for the number of peeps he has turned on to @smartypig


@ibcheerful I agree. Hey @smartypig.. give @broox some sort of compensation. And then add the ability to earn rewards for referring friends.
@KevinSwitzer - Hey thx @broox for the love! Yep, earning rewards for referrals is under serious consideration.