No Headphones at Work

Peep this e-mail a friend of mine just got at work:

For SAFETY Reasons:
Fortunately (for safety) or unfortunately, we can NO longer have musical headsets in the office.
This is in protection of hearing loss since volume cannot be monitored.
This will be effective Monday, July 23rd.
You can have a radio at your desk; however, the volume must be turned low.
Thank you for your cooperation.

wtf is that??? The corporate world is out of control.

What if you get speakers and your music offends other people? What if your Christian co-workers take offense to rap or metal? What if the non-Christian co-workers take offense to your religious music? So now, not only do you have to listen to radios - you have to censor your music library to make sure it doesn't offend other people? Retarded.

I'd be asking for a private office or get everyone in the entire company to listen to radios so it's totally annoying and out of control. fight! fight back!

I'm worried my company is not far behind this. I will die.

written by 25 year old Derek Brooks

Hey, stop picking on Christians and non-Christians, I'm offended by your taste in rap and metal too.

I'm going to be pumping some Don Henley up in this beeyotch.


My office only says to keep them down so that you can hear co workers when they talk to you.. so.. just keep acting like you're listening.

aeon greyposted

Go go gadget nanny company.

I'm so glad they are here to help with my hearing loss. Can they also monitor what I eat at work to make sure I dont become a little piggie.


I am guessing that one of the corporate "higher-ups" has some stock in this "iHearSafe" company.


friend: Dude I just sampled those earbuds

me: yeah

friend: They go just as loud as the ones I have...

me: wtf

me: awesome

friend: Yea seriously

friend: Stupid...

friend: I just 20 dollars on nothing really

friend: I mean

me: $20 so your company feels safe

friend: No shit

friend: Everyone tried them

friend: And they were like "uhhhh..... "

friend: The safety dude was standing behind me

friend: While I was sampling them

friend: And he was like

friend: 'Now turn it up all the way!'

me: haha

friend: And I did

friend: And its fucking blasting

me: hahaha, that is hilarious

friend: And he's like 'do you notice how different it is!?'

friend: And I was like 'uhhh yea... I do... its amazing....'