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That assortment of Tech Decks just screams "productivity"
I like the cooling fan to the right.
I'm all about the dual keyboard action
its triple key board action-- more keyboards than you have hands, Im guessing! it looks nice tho!
Brandon: you can get that fan on amazon. search for thermaltake mobile. it's not crazy strong, but provides just enough air movement to be comfortable.
Stephen: definitely stand-up.
Ryan: that wired one hooks to the mac-mini media server mounted under the desk.
Which keyboard operates the brass truck-nuts?
Seriously, though, this almost makes me want to clean off my desk.
Derek - Thanks, ordered one. Love the CPU cooler look to it.
come on, Cedric. those are not brass truck-nuts... they're "chrome biker ball'z" hahaha... also on amazon.
Ha, the first thing I thought when I saw this picture was, "Derek must be able to do mad tech deck tricks after 10 years of playing with them!"