39,176 / 48,389 in Photo stream
That used to be a sinkhole! All round lakes in FL are really sinkholes. Thousands of them!


Interesting. Whenever I fly over florida I think that yall have more lakes than minnesota.
Hmm, not sure how reliable my sources are, but apparently I was wrong...

Lakes that are 10 acres or more.

Minnesota: 11,842

Florida: ~7,700
87,014/11,842 = 7.3 lakes per square mile in minnesota

65,795/7,700 = 8.5 lakes per sqaure mile in florida
5,167,101/11,842 = 1 Lake for every 436 Minnesotans.

18,089,888/7,700 = 1 Lake for every 2,349 Floridians


Check this out:

3,000,000/670,053 = 4.5 lakes for every Alaskan


Alaska is better than Minnesota
Missouri has over 250,000 miles of shoreline if you just keep walking around it.

Fla. home over sinkhole

captain hookposted