A few photos of the concealed GMRS radio mount that I added to my Bronco. The goal was to be as stealthy as possible, not block any of my dash, and have the mic be easily removable when I'm not off-roading.
I made a custom bracket to mount a Midland MXTA25 Ghost antenna to the back of my rollbar. The antenna wire is concealed behind plastic panels along the roll bar, above the side airbags, down the A-Pillar, and to the passenger foot panel.
I concealed the Midland MXT275 radio in the dash, above the glovebox with the Mountains2Metal radio bracket, and powered it via Ford's Upfitter switch #6.
A CAT-6 extension is run from the radio to the driver's side foot well where I'll plug the mic in when I need it.
The Mic is supported by the Archetype Racing BPM / SLAP accessory mount + their 1" B-sized BALLS, a long RAM arm, and the Tackform CB mic mount.
With my initial test, I got 1.5 miles of range in town, which is plenty for me.