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10:46 AM Derek: kari and i are going to mt vernon this weekend to see them [Lindsey]

10:47 AM i think it's pretty important that i find a red bat before going

10:52 AM me: Definitely

It's funny she said a big red bat, because we have one of those here.

10:57 AM Derek: ha

i used to have one

where do you get them?


me: No idea

I'm sure they have them at Wal-Mart

Thanks for confirming that.


which all started from this e-mail from lindsey, "i wanna get on someone elses desk and hit everything off of it with one of those big plastic red bats, and i want to bawk like a chicken while im up there ruining their things."
i also confirmed, btw:

<broox> i just got this e-mail

<broox> hahahahaha i know. you know how i get so riled up sometimes about things? well thats me right now at work. i wanna get on someone elses desk and hit everything off of it with one of those big plastic red bats, and i want to bawk like a chicken while im up there ruining their things.

<npl> haha

<npl> wow

<mh> who's that? because that is a great plan

<broox> lindsey

<keith> maybe i'll try it

<broox> where can i get one of those red bats anyway

<broox> it might be a good idea to get one before i go this weekend

<npl> target

<npl> wal-mart

<npl> toys r us

<mh> hy-vee maybe

<npl> my house, circa 1986

also, lindsey is amazing...great idea


stupid irc tags, they just got lost in that comment...but trust me, i said it


fixed. whoever thought to use htmlish tags for irc (or ircish tags for html) is dumb.
Haha thanks nick, im always full of great ideas. Thanks for the bat info, i'll be sure and purchase one for work tomorrow.


Haha thanks nick, im always full of great ideas. Thanks for the bat info, i'll be sure and purchase one for work tomorrow.
