Pioneer Glacier

Yo check out the glacier we have sliding off the roof of the Shull building, it's been sliding for about a week now.

Outside - Inside
Hahaa... that rules... you should snowboard off that roof.

Kevin posted

that is pretty cool. it reminds of that one time derek and i were sleeping and we awoke in each others arms to find kevin staring at us with a bewildered gaze. man i loved college
Oh yeah... I remember that!!

Kevin posted

haha, that's badass

Tanner posted

greg, you are a punk with your stupid awesome weather.

you should get a site going with pointless life updates... like mine. i'm sick of going to your site and just seeing your family in NYC, hehe.

derek posted

Well I'm (someday) going to install a script that randomly displays similar images (ie. where my family is all in the short).

If you're tired of visiting the cumberford_d0t_com one you can always check out gregcumberford(d0t)com.

** urls mangled to avoid spambots **

Derek posted

quit stealing my name. is just as interesting.

derek posted

won't be shared or displayed