
I've got 168 things tagged #Broomball

163 photos

5 blog entries

Ouch. My body is lame.

So, last night was my first night of broomball. I missed the first 2 weeks due to being on vacation, so it was actually the 3rd night for most everyone else on my teams. ...yeah, that was plural - teams. See, last year we just had our rookie half-ice team, District 5. We were decent - especially for a first year team. We ended up .500 at the end of the season. Not bad. So at the end …
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Hip Hop, Yakuza, and Broomball Death.

So last week seemed super not productive. I really can't think of anything good that I got done aside from entertainment and such so I'm currently checking my Twitter just to figure out wtf I've done lately, hahaha. OK... Last Wednesday, I picked up Minnis and met Nick for a hip hop show at Vaudeville. It was a good time as always. I think Minnis had fun too. We saw some pretty amazing …
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