Craig Brooks

I've got 206 things tagged #CraigBrooks

204 photos

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2 blog entries

Fathers Day 06

Oh man. I have successfully eaten 18 pounds of food again. I am about to pop. I hope that I fit into my tux for Zach's wedding, haha. I think I gained 10 pounds since I gave him my measurements... whoops. Anyway, this weekend was pretty decent. I went to cky with Kevi at the House of Bricks on Friday. It was a fairly laid back show - maybe due to Kevi's gf being there. Maybe due to us … Read more

Birthday this year? Nah!

My dad sends me these pointless but funny emails every once in a while. Well today he sends me this one. There's 22 peanut M&M's in a package. So, you could eat one for every year of your age and still have one left over for tomorrow!!! so I reply... Dad... I am 22. Read more