
I've got 1,323 things tagged #Drinks

1,318 photos

5 blog entries

January Reset. No Gluten. No Alcohol.

I've been dealing with some minor, intermittent skin issues for years. It's been treatable, but last year the eczema came hard, spread further and was a little gnarlier... so I started seeing a dermatologist and allergist. They tested for chemical allergies, environmental allergies, had me change everything that I put on my skin or clothes and none of it helped. I suspected a food allergy or …
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The Beer List

I revamped the beer list that Nehru, Nick, and I have been working on. It now has our ratings, pictures, and comments for each beer. Plus it allows you to comment on/rate each beer. Check it out: http://www.broox.com/beer/
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