In some ways, one must feel sorry for the original Netscape (the one that existed before the "AOL virus" attack) :)


yes, thank god. having to develop cross-platform scripts was terribly annoying. and IE was always so much better and easier anyways. good news.

dave congerposted

while it'll make things easier, seeing competetion getting killed off is never good.


it can be good if the competetion is nazi germany. in no way am i saying netscape is facist, just that competetion getting killed off can be good sometimes.

dave congerposted

i think that netscape is comparable... i saw this "geek test" thing today that asked if you believe that netscape is the spawn of satan.
To throw a spanner in the works, Apple's decision to develop their own web browser (Safari) has resulted in Microsoft ending development of IE for Mac...

But from what I've seen of it, Safari is pretty closely matched to IE anyway.


Safari is actually pretty cool. i worked for a guy at cornell that installed it on all the macs in our lab. i like it a lot, but i think it's still beta.
Safari is incredible. Not that stable on my brothers G4, but nice. There is Savanna for PeeCee's that is JUST like Safari


savanna eh? i haven't heard of it.... i should check it out.
yeah, too bad it b10\/\/z0|?z
