Another Terronez Visit

So last week I had training. It was pretty nice. I really like programming... except for all of the visual WYSIWYG influence that people put on it. It really bloats the code. Our instructor's site for example. He did it all with .net and it's super super bloated. His argument: "but i didn't have to write most of the code!" Mine: "but I'm a programmer." Anyway, aside from that we got breakfast every day, cookies at 2, and were taken care of by 3 hot girls, haha.

So Friday we left early for a dept steak "fry." It was a nice time, we hung out at a park for the afternoon, ate meat, rode scooters, etc. Then Kari and I took Ninja to the vet to find out that he has some pretty bad allergies and a staff infection, wtf, haha. Apparently dogs get their allergic reactions in their paws, which explains Ninja gnawing on his feet all the time. I thought he was just biting his toenails.

Anyway, later we picked up my cousins and headed out to Colfax for some pizza at Papa Georgios... and the Colfax-Mingo homecoming game. Colfax is pretty ridiculous. I really wish I would have had my camera with me. The sheer smallness of everything is quite funny. So we left early to watch Flight of the Navigator, yesssss.

Saturday was a day filled with goofing around on video. It started out by Kari yelling at me in the shower, "Derek, Anthony's moving the trampoline under the deck!" I replied, "Tell him to wait until I get my camera!" So yeah, Anthony leaped over my deck fencing onto the trampoline, which was awesome. He even fell off without getting hurt - too badly. The video is here and on youtube. My version is better quality though... stupid youtube.

We then drove around for a bit and went to Saylorville where Gabe decided to roll down the entire dam hill. Afterwards we duct taped him to a light post where he stayed for about 20 minutes while people drove/walked by really confused. He was telling people that his brother got mad and taped him up, haha. Some people offered to cut him down, offered food, took pics, etc. It was awesome. I think I'll do it again except plant a mic on the person taped up. And maybe get a 2nd cam.

Later we checked out Dogtown Fest then watched Tokyo Drift.

Now I have much work to do before Chicago on Thursday. Oh yeah, I think my SD550 is finally fixed. After a bit of debate, I got it back with a new LCD panel, new front panel, new optical unit, and even a new strap. Score.