Anthony Terronez

I've got 186 things tagged #AnthonyTerronez

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3 blog entries

Another Terronez Visit

So last week I had training. It was pretty nice. I really like programming... except for all of the visual WYSIWYG influence that people put on it. It really bloats the code. Our instructor's site for example. He did it all with .net and it's super super bloated. His argument: "but i didn't have to write most of the code!" Mine: "but I'm a programmer." Anyway, aside from …
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Small CIA is Done!

Small CIA is finally complete. The movie itself is about 10 minutes long and it's pretty flippin good considering we filmed the movie in 1 day, and I edited it in 3 sessions. There is also about 10 minutes of outtakes and funny stuff at the end. This includes a few "cky style" clips of my cousins riding their bikes into chain link fences, hah. I probably won't be able to put it online due to …
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