Chicago or Des Moines?

The question is not about where I want to live, because the answer would obviously be Chicago. However, that can't happen right now, so...

I want to make this piece of art that is basically a skyline sitting on a chunk of earth. The actual skyline would be black painted metal sitting on a piece of "earth" to give a sort of glacial effect. The earth would be made of plywood. It's a pretty simple piece representing 2 things I love, the city, and the underground. Plus it would be nice to put some sort of urbanization in my extremely suburban home, haha.

My Dilemma is that I don't know what skyline to use. I really like Chicago's skyline from the southeast side, over by the Aquarium and what not. I also really like the Des Moines skyline from the south side or east side. But I'm totally undecided about which to choose. Here are my reasons...

-i'm from illinois
-skyline is much more defined
-skyline is much more recognized
-i love chicago
-i'll still appreciate a chicago skyline if i move away

-skyline is too well known and maybe cliche
-skyline would be harder to make

Des Moines
-i live in des moines
-skyline is unique and pretty unknown
-i co-founded a big des moines site called could be the start for some really big things
-if i leave des moines, i can tell about des moines and the des moines alive story
-skyline would be easier to make

-if a single new skyscraper is added to des moines, it will be super obvious and outdate my art
-if i leave des moines, will the artwork still be cool?
-des moines doesn't rep the urban scene i'm trying to represent as much as chicago

So, the Des Moines Alive stuff are pretty strong pros right now, but I really don't know. Ideas?
Use chicagos - purely because it is more recognizable than des moines.


Dude, how can you even compare the two? Chicago wins every time!


use chicago, and in one of the skyscrapers have a little icon cutout of harper w/ one of his classic devil horn pictures


You and Harper both know you should draw Ink Pond at Cornell with the heating plant in the background. What's the matter with you? Get your shiz together. Nothing says art like a toxic pond and an old building bound to explode due to outdated equipment.
i say do des moines

you are so right with the cliche-ness of you knwo how much art is out there with that damn is really cool...but i think that des moines will be better.

plus with the outdating of the des moines skyline....thats fine, youve just "captured" what it "used to be like" or doesnt become outdated, everything else will always be changing

thats kind of what makes it cool


balls... just do orlando


balls is what orlando sucks.
you're just pissed because you didn't go to the house of skulls


Des Moines has a skyline?


your joke just proved the unique and unknown point.
no, no, I wasn't joking. It was a serious question. :P
