Cool Kids Eat Shit
I've been thinking about this for a few years, so nothing directly sparked this blog... I've actually been consciously not writing this blog due to related situations coming up. I didn't want people to think that they sparked it.
So that said, I was just sitting at home and suddenly got a strange urge to rant! hurrah!
Here it is...
Will someone tell me why the hell eating shitty food is cool? Why is a person who orders cottage cheese instead fries suddenly lame? Why are people who order salads or drink diet pop always "on diets?" Moreover, why is being on a diet even a bad thing? Why is enjoying quality, less-fat food uncool?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my fair share of crappy foods every now and again - and I get a good share of calories from beer. But it just boggles my mind that every time someone orders something that is not fried/greasy, they get made fun of. wtf? Where does this come from? Jealousy for someone taking care of themselves? Sometimes that's not even the case. Sometimes people just think that a grilled salmon and beans taste better than a breaded pork tenderloin and buffalo fries. And for that, they are dumb.
Sometimes, I eat things out of the "smaller portions" or "health conscious" sections, why? Not because I'm hell bent on watching my figure - usually these are just better quality and tastier concoctions. And every time I do it, guess what I hear? "What, are you trying to lose weight?" wtf? The healthy stuff really is just better food. When you go to a fancy bistro, how often do you find half a fried chicken on the menu? You don't (at least - I haven't). What you'll find are things similar to what you might find in those "healthy sections" at most restaurants. It's good quality, smaller portions, and you don't feel like a complete slob after eating it.
And what REALLY gets me about all this is that being overweight is also "uncool." So if I'm understanding this correctly we should all eat nasty foods and also be thin - oh and toned.
I guess the cool thing really is just high metabolism?
This really confuses me.
Apparently fat is a delicacy in these parts.