Homeownership is Weird

I just wrote this big long article about how owning a house is weird and when I hit submit my session timed out and I lost the article. I really hate web sites.

Anyway... I've lived in my house for about 3 weeks now. So far it's been really cool. I'm sorta poor, but I feel so rich, haha. It rules.

It's weird because it seems like everything you do for a house both sucks and is really rewarding at the same time. Like building a work bench, setting up wireless internet, setting up an entertainment center, even cleaning the garage. Planning for new stuff is the same way. It all sorta sucks because it costs time and money, but it's so awesome once you get done. One thing that sucks all the time though, is Ankeny Sanitation. They haven't picked up my garbage since I've moved in, wtf.

On a cooler note, Kari and I met Nick, Nicole, Chuck, and Nathan at Club Aura last night. At one point, we left Nicole and Kari at Aura and ran over to the nearest sports bar (3rd Base) to check out the end of the Red Sox/Yankees game. When we came back, Kari and Nicole planned a 'house warming party' on Friday, November 19. It's gonna be awesome because I'll already have 3 friends visiting me, and Kari will have 3 more visiting her. Lots of fun will be had. So yeah, everyone is invited. BYOD, BYOF, BMSP, BMSM, DBMS, and uh... RSVP ASAP haha.
I don't think I will make it if you don't have your garbage out yet...or maybe that will be Ankeny's housewarming present to you in a month, take your damn garbage. I LOVE KARI'S FRIENDS...THEY ARE THE BEST EVER!


how about BDSM?


I'd like to RSVP NOW, F.A.G.


Haha, DBMS rules!

Why does that second paragraph sound like Harper's blog?
derek is in the Film Actors Guild? derek broox, fuck yeah!


bring your own drinks, bring your own food, bring me some presents, bring me some money, don't break my stuff.

that one sux my balls


I happen to be super good friends with the owner of Ankeny Sanitation. He is marrying my best friend from high school!!! Let me know what you need, and I'll get you hooked up!!! He's a millionaire, he lives for this kind of stuff!!! Love ya!


Maria Roggeposted

haha, actually i figured out the garbage problem. i was putting it out on thursday and they come on friday. i'm dumb, haha.
You should request a special "broox day" where they come to pick up your garbage. What's so great about friday?
