Light at the end of the Maxtor tunnel

So I had this hard drive crash... here are the earlier details.

First of all, Minnis rules. He's been trying a bunch of things with my HD today that I haven't thought of. After being unsuccessful with Knoppix and the linux box, we dropped it into a win2k machine and ran powermax, which is some diagnostic software that maxtor put out. Anyway, they gave me a diagnostic code (de67a279) and told me to visit their site. So I visit it, check out the warranty services, enter my serial number and find that my drive is under warranty until 8/11/04, w00000000t.

So they are sending me a free 120 gig HD. We also ran a chkdsk and saw a pretty good list of files on the drive... So at least something is getting read from the disk. I still don't have my data yet, but once I get the HD, they have this other software package that will try to move all recoverable data from the damaged HD to a new HD. Keep your fingers crossed cause this might just work... and there is a tiny bit of light at the end of this lame tunnel (thanks to Minnis)

... I should buy him dinner or something.
Dinner and a movie would be fine. er...maybe just dinner. haha


or just give him your new HD
hey, dick, i believe i suggested the chkdsk...maybe you should buy me a helicopter


haha, i will buy you a sandwich.