Most People Try to Hide The Hard Times

I'm going to put mine right out there...

The thing that I hate more than anything else is my money situation over the last few years. I keep telling myself it'll get better, and I keep trying my ass off to make it that way, but it never gets to a point that it's bearable. I am seriously, seriously depressed about it. It's retarded. It's really the only thing that gets me down. Like, if anything else goes wrong financially, I think I will for real lose it. At this point it looks like that something will probably be my car, but really, it could be anything - furnace, AC, leak in the house, damage from a storm, some medical condition. Whatever it is - I don't have the money to be able to handle the situation.

My savings account currently is no higher than it was 3 years ago. I mean, I put money into savings every month so that I can eventually buy myself a car... but I've had to take it right back out just to pay for bills and life. Some months I have to take more out of savings than I put in.

And every single month for the past couple years I've been moving money in between my account, kari's account, and savings - just so that we don't go overdraft - which we end up doing every month anyway.

I believe that Kari and I owe more money than everything that we have is worth. That is an awful feeling.

I guess that new BMW 135i doesn't look that cool anyway.

written by 25 year old Derek Brooks

Just keep winning free clothing with great odds, and you'll end up in the black for sure!


I feel your pain. I paid money for a car I don't have. What you have is a negative net worth. Welcome to the rest of us. We need to make something huge someday soon. Have Josh figure out the odds on that one.
