
I've got 99 things tagged #Money

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4 blog entries

Get More Bank Accounts! (How Kari and I Bank)

Let me start off by saying that this may not be the absolute right way to manage your money, but it's definitely the best way for us; it's simple, it keeps us happy, and it keeps us responsible... so I wanted to share it. Hopefully it'll work for someone else. Everyone knows that money management can be a real stressful thing for any couple (and single person, I guess). In fact, Kari and …
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Econonic Stimulus and Mothers Day 08

So, I'm not really sure what I think about this economic stimulus package, but I sure as hell accepted it and decided to use it just like the government told me. When our check came friday, Kari and I decided to do a mini shopping spree. I upgraded my personal electronics with a 160gb ipod and a blackberry curve. Kari, on the other hand, is buying fancy clothes. It was a lot of fun. I …
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