Blog entries tagged Money

4 blog entries

  • Get More Bank Accounts! (How Kari and I Bank)

    Let me start off by saying that this may not be the absolute right way to manage your money, but it's definitely the best way for us; it's simple, it keeps us happy, and it keeps us responsible... so I wanted to share it. Hopefully it'll work for someone else.

    Everyone knows that money management can be a real stressful thing for any couple (and single person, I guess). In fact, Kari and I's marriage counselor, Dr. Don Gilbert, told us 3 years ago, that the 3 most common things that break up marriages are money, sex, and communication. And not that any of you care, but we got the second two on lock.

    So Dr. Gilbert gave us all sorts of amazing money tips. Most were pretty straight forward; there were some stories about buying …
  • Econonic Stimulus and Mothers Day 08

    So, I'm not really sure what I think about this economic stimulus package, but I sure as hell accepted it and decided to use it just like the government told me.

    When our check came friday, Kari and I decided to do a mini shopping spree.

    I upgraded my personal electronics with a 160gb ipod and a blackberry curve. Kari, on the other hand, is buying fancy clothes. It was a lot of fun. I wish we could do this once a month, haha. Next month I'd get a wii and the month after that, I'd get a macbook. ;)

    But anyway, mothers day was nice too. We met up with mom, Teresa, Jeff, and Vic in Amana. I'd never really been there, and it's sort of in the middle of all of us, so we decided to check it out. Amana is an interesting little …
  • Most People Try to Hide The Hard Times

    I'm going to put mine right out there...

    The thing that I hate more than anything else is my money situation over the last few years. I keep telling myself it'll get better, and I keep trying my ass off to make it that way, but it never gets to a point that it's bearable. I am seriously, seriously depressed about it. It's retarded. It's really the only thing that gets me down. Like, if anything else goes wrong financially, I think I will for real lose it. At this point it looks like that something will probably be my car, but really, it could be anything - furnace, AC, leak in the house, damage from a storm, some medical condition. Whatever it is - I don't have the money to be able to handle the situation.

    My savings account …
  • I don't want it unless it's BRAND NEW

    Things are about to happen financially. I'm excited. As yall probably know, Kari got a new job with like a 40% pay increase and I got a ... not so big raise, but still a raise.

    So, I'm going to be in the market for a new PC (and maybe even a new car) very soon and I'm stealing harper's post about asking what to get.

    First and foremost, I need a desktop.
    1. Because my current desktop is from 2002
    2. I'm very inefficient on laptops and really never use them unless I'm traveling.
    3. I just got 2 bitchin 22" widescreen monitors that my old PC is having a hard time running.

    And really my only requirements are that it's gotta be fast, reliable, fairly inexpensive and have much storage for video prod and various other media.

    So, …