Twenty Seven Years Young

So, most of you know that in our house, we celebrate birthmonths rather than birthdays... and now that my 27th birthday month is officially over, I figured it's safe to go ahead and blog about what's been up.

My actual birthday is August 5th, however this year it officially started June 22, haha. See, if you know my wife, you'll know that she absolutely sucks at keeping secrets and hiding gifts. She gets so damn excited about the gift that you pretty much get it immediately - and if not, she'll ask you every day if you want to open your present.

So, that said, on June 22nd, Kari pulled into the driveway from Target and immediately handed me a Nintendo Wii. Happy (early) birthday! haha.

I'm pretty stoked to finally have a Wii, simply for the social/party games. It's quite a blast to play with guests/family.

And the best part about getting that present early, is the fact that people could buy me Wii stuff for my actual birthday, haha. I got some good accessories and Tiger Woods 09. Thanks, yall.

Aside from the Wii stuff, I also used some money to get myself another airport express and new speakers for my home office. I've been keeping my eye out and slowly looking at speakers over the past couple years. But recently, a group of smart people turned me onto PSB speakers and after a bit of research I ordered myself some PSB Alpha B1s. I mean how do you pass up "2007 Budget Product of the Year" and "2007 Loudspeaker of the Year" runner up - a category that is dominated by hi-fi loudspeakers up to $75k a pair.

But besides all that nonsense, they are straight up rocking my office. I'm quite disgusted about how shitty my music sounded before and how completely ignorant I was about that, haha. These are one of the best purchases I've ever made. I forgot how satisfying it is to buy solid, high quality products. Man I love music. And now I love incredibly good sounding music.

So apart from my new goods, we've obviously been partying and celebrating pretty hard. We celebrated in Des Moines, Minneapolis, Quad Cities, and Cedar Rapids, ha. Lots of parties, bars, and good eats.

Thanks to everyone that celebrated with me. It was quite a nice birthday month at home.... but hopefully next year I can get back to the Lollapalooza tradition. No one get married on my birthday anymore! ;)

written by 27 year old Derek Brooks