Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I slept 7.2 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 2 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 4.21 miles. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:18 am

Fell asleep

7:50 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.2 hours

11:56 am

So the Logan Square blue line stop is filled with smoke and surrounded by the fire department. haha. Chicago.
1 comment

12:27 pm

Checked in at Modest, Inc, Chicago, Illinois

8:46 pm

Checked in at Fat Rice, Chicago, Illinois

9:37 pm

2 years. Lunar OG.

11:31 pm

Walkin home after a great dinner at Fat Rice with Lunar OG.

11:43 pm

Look at this beautiful front yard exhibit.
January 21, 2015