Checked in at Holiday Inn, ARLINGTON, Virginia
My wife looked absolutely amazing at the ball this evening.
1 comment
Went to bed
Fell asleep
Woke up after sleeping 6.88 hours
Checked in at CVS/pharmacy, Arlington, Virginia
Checked in at ZPizza, Arlington, Virginia
Checked in at LaPlaza, Washington, District Of Columbia
Checked in at Holiday Inn, ARLINGTON, Virginia
Getting sexy for the OFA staff ball... I heard a certain gaga might be there.
Checked in at ChurchKey, Washington, District Of Columbia
Checked in at Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, District Of Columbia
"This is the most important ball. Because without you, there wouldn't be any other balls" - love from Biden
Listening to the president thank, encourage, and inspire us never gets old... Especially when the first lady is cheerleading by his side.
1 comment
Welp, Lady Gaga sounds amazing... and the symphony backing her certainly doesn't hurt.
And then Tony Bennet joins Gaga on stage. What!
Checked in at A&D Bar, Washington, District Of Columbia