Saturday, October 20, 2001
I took 13 photos. I was in Mount Vernon, Iowa City, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
12:28 am
Jamie Lomhiem, Amanda Ekins, Me, Jamie, Eric Boos, and Jay Rowland
12:48 am
Josh and Jolene @ Joe's
12:48 am
These dudes wanted to fight me, so I took their picture
1:16 am
Josh and Tom goofing around
1:31 am
A bunch of cops thought Josh and Tom were really fighting and wanted to take them to jail, haha
1:38 am
Tom, after almost being taken to jail for wrestling Josh outside
2:21 am
Jeff, Brandon DeCap, and Morris
1 comment 2:43 am
This dude just walked into the delthouse and started punching holes in the cieling
3:24 pm
Katie and I while shopping for my outfit, heh.
11:29 pm
Maria and Me
11:36 pm
Me and Jeff
11:49 pm
Jami and Me
11:50 pm
Me and Tara