Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I wrote 3 blogs and took 50 photos. I was in Gros Islet Quarter, Castries, Anse la Raye Quarter, Canaries, and Soufrière Quarter, Saint Lucia.

7:19 am

A random horse that walked across the road in front of our bus

7:22 am

Rodney Bay, and one of the ships used in Pirates of the Caribbean

7:55 am

A tiny wooden boat in Port Castries

8:09 am

Port Castries

8:11 am

Kari and I with Castries in the background

8:27 am

The narrow winding roads in the mountains. There should be a Gran Turismo level called St Lucia

8:29 am

Overlooking a banana plantation from our vehicle

8:32 am

More winding roads in St Lucia

8:37 am

A goat. Pets are tied up everywhere. I think it's some sort of law. Seriously, there are goats, cows, and horses tied up everywhere.

8:41 am

Overlooking Marigot Bay. Notice the tied up goats...

8:47 am

Kari and I and Marigot Bay
1 comment

8:50 am

A little shop overlooking Marigot Bay - this is where I bought the spiced rum and Pitons

8:53 am

A banana plant

8:54 am

Bananas sprouting on the right plant. Notice the tiny banana plant next to the left plant. Apparently all banana trees drop a "baby" that will replace them once their bananas are done.

9:03 am

Some insane house built on 4 stories of stilts

9:06 am

Kari petting a stray dog in Anse La Ray

9:07 am

This dude asked me to take his photo and then charged me money for it, haha

9:07 am

Anse La Ray

9:36 am

It's blurry, but this dude just caught a boa constrictor as we were driving by

9:36 am

Seriously - hardest Gran Turismo level ever

9:44 am

Looking over Soufriere, look at that freakin curve in the road coming down the mountain.
1 comment

9:48 am

Doing laundry outside of Soufriere

9:51 am

Soufriere again

9:56 am

A rainforest
1 comment

9:57 am

More rainforest

10:10 am

The Pitons

10:13 am

Kari and I with the Pitons on the background

10:34 am

Inside the drive-in volcano of Sourfriere. (the only drive-in volcano crater in the world)

10:43 am

Inside the drive-in volcano of Sourfriere. (the only drive-in volcano crater in the world)

11:31 am

The diamond waterfall in the botanical gardens of Soufriere

11:32 am

Kari and I with the Diamond waterfall
1 comment

12:16 pm

One of the Pitons and a pirate ship
1 comment

12:52 pm

The Pitons from our catamaran

12:55 pm

The coast going up the side of St Lucia

12:56 pm

The coast going up the side of St Lucia

1:14 pm

Soufriere from our boat

1:45 pm

Snorkeling on our Land/Sea excursion
1 comment

1:46 pm

Kari snorkeling

1:47 pm


1:48 pm

Sweet underwater things

1:49 pm

Sea Urchins, etc
1 comment

1:50 pm

fish, etc

1:51 pm

Sweet Sea Life

2:27 pm

A pirate ship and a crude oil tank at Hess Oils

2:31 pm

A catamaran just like the one we were on - Marigot Bay

2:34 pm

Sailboats in Marigot Bay

2:36 pm

Inside Marigot Bay

2:52 pm

Hess Oils - to get an idea of the size of those tanks, look at the oil ship on the far left of the picture. They are insane.

5:08 pm

Published a blog about The Day Before

5:09 pm

Published a blog about The Wedding Day

5:11 pm

Published a blog about St Lucia Day 1

7:31 pm

The main pool @ night

8:09 pm

Bill Clinton <3 Sandals Grand St Lucian
October 26, 2005