Monday, October 6, 2014

I slept 8.27 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 15 photos, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 4.60 miles, and weighed 180.6 pounds. I was in Iowa.

7:36 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.27 hours

8:18 am

@tolar man I hope they name one company Hewlett and the other one Packard.

8:39 am

If the next round of nexus phones really has a 6" display, I'm definitely heading back to iOS for a bit.

1:17 pm

Taking the afternoon off to help that @kbroox celebrate her birthday.

2:07 pm

Birthday obstacle course
1 comment

2:11 pm


2:12 pm

Downward dog

2:14 pm

Starting to warm up to this water idea.

2:16 pm

River crossing

2:31 pm


2:43 pm

Ledges is pretty

3:20 pm


3:26 pm

Garth's havin a good time

3:27 pm

Birthday hiking with my two favorite boys. Photo by Kari Reynolds Brooks

3:28 pm

Look at these two

3:31 pm

Hiking at ledges

3:40 pm


3:46 pm

The lagoon

5:21 pm

Checked in at Dairy Queen, Ankeny, Iowa

5:29 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

7:25 pm

Using this issue of "Trapper" from my childhood treasure chest to light the grill and cook up some vittles.
1 comment

11:45 pm

I just got an MMS on google voice! I mean hangouts! but with google voice! ... Can someone tell me what service I'm using!?

11:56 pm

Went to bed

October 6, 2014