Woke up after sleeping 7.45 hours
Woke up after sleeping 7.45 hours
Checked in at Ingersoll Dental Group, Des Moines, Iowa
My dentist office is just killin it! twitter.com/bro...6714112/photo/1
1 comment
Checked in at Gravitate, Des Moines, Iowa
The new calendar app on android is probably the first usable mobile calendar app I have ever used. So good.
Checked in at Star Bar, Des Moines, Iowa
Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
Dear Apple. Why? twitter.com/bro...4369152/photo/1
1 comment
I love that the "free" button on the iOS app store is now just "GET" ... i'mma GET THIS SHIT
Checked in at The Reynolds Project, Nevada, Iowa
Software engineer by day. Framing carpenter by night.
1 comment
Went to bed
Fell asleep