Friday, November 8, 2019

I slept 6.97 hours, checked in to 5 places, took 5 photos, wrote 1 microblog, walked 5.59 miles, and weighed 179 pounds. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

7:05 am

Woke up after sleeping 6.97 hours

9:23 am

I've been listening to house music, wiring up a bunch of new lighting, and gyrating around my house for about 2 days straight.

12:33 pm


4:17 pm

Checked in at Gravitate 2.0, Des Moines, Iowa

4:33 pm

Checked in at Blue Sushi Sake Grill, Des Moines, Iowa

5:32 pm

New print from Caroline Caldwell

5:34 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

7:45 pm

Checked in at Clyde's Fine Diner, Des Moines, Iowa

7:47 pm

Buffalo potatoes @ Clyde's. Kari is in love.

7:48 pm

Fried shishitos @ Clyde's

8:23 pm

Mitch's friend, Chris @ Clyde's

8:52 pm

Checked in at Black Sheep, Des Moines, Iowa

November 8, 2019