Thursday, December 10, 2015

I checked in to 10 places, took 1 photo, wrote 3 microblogs, and walked 4.90 miles. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:11 am

Checked in at The Office (at The Aviary), Chicago, Illinois

12:26 am

Checked in at Hotel Allegro, Chicago, Illinois

12:33 am

Oh man. Late night at the office.

8:51 am

Last night I had a black truffle beer and a foie gras snickers bar. Today, I am dealing with being a giant douche.

9:27 am

Checked in at Dunkin' Donuts, Chicago, Illinois

9:33 am

Checked in at Braintree, Chicago, Illinois

12:19 pm

Checked in at Hannah's Bretzel, Chicago, Illinois

1:17 pm

The hardest part of working out of merchandise mart this week has been walking past all the insane home decor stores... Want. Want. Want.

1:19 pm

Checked in at Braintree, Chicago, Illinois

3:48 pm

Can't stop won't stop

6:51 pm

Checked in at Green Dog Inc, Chicago, Illinois

7:13 pm

Checked in at Reedazawa, Chicago, Illinois

8:48 pm

Checked in at Iwan Ries & Co., Chicago, Illinois

11:54 pm

Checked in at Hotel Allegro, Chicago, Illinois

December 10, 2015