Sunday, March 31, 2019

I checked in to 2 places, took 7 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 3.90 miles. I was in Ankeny, Nevada, and Des Moines, Iowa.

8:10 am

@harper 🖐️

10:16 am

My aunt's paint stick had a sharp, metal end so I hockey wrapped it.

10:33 am

Scraping the edges off the popcorn to cut a clean line of paint against the ceiling

10:35 am

Alright, let's make these guest rooms less yellow

11:26 am

Makin the ceiling white

1:23 pm

Each of the guest bedrooms had broken corner beads and lots of drywall touch up to do

3:12 pm

Checked in at Kum & Go, Ankeny, Iowa

4:57 pm

Checked in at The Reynolds Project, Nevada, Iowa

6:20 pm


8:02 pm

Man. Nipsey Hussle tweets, "Having strong enemies is a blessing" and then gets shot up a couple hours later... I always thought that dude should've been way bigger than he was. RIP.

9:16 pm

Lots of nail pops to scrape and fix
March 31, 2019