Monday, May 27, 2019

I checked in to 6 places, took 3 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 2.22 miles. I was in Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa.

7:52 am

Checked in at 7-Eleven, Williamsburg, Virginia

8:51 am

Checked in at Richmond International Airport (RIC), Richmond, Virginia

3:43 pm

Checked in at Indianapolis International Airport (IND), Indianapolis, Indiana

4:00 pm

ORD shut down while on our way home... This 2019 weather can really eat shit.

4:35 pm

After a bunch of delays and a diverted flight we decided to drive home from Indiana

6:26 pm

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Farmer City, Illinois

8:53 pm

Pullin into Iowa. It is buggy.

10:09 pm

Checked in at Pilot Travel Center, Brooklyn, Iowa

10:09 pm

A few bugs

11:21 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

11:50 pm

Earlier today, I walked off of a diverted flight in Indianapolis to rent a car and race @United to DSM. I won... and I feel good about that.

May 27, 2019