Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I took 2 photos and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

8:12 am

wakin up is not easy lately.

11:18 am

i hate internet explorer.

1:29 pm

Meetin nathan for sweet vietnamese at a dong

1:43 pm

Finally got something new at A Dong - Bun. Good stuff.

2:19 pm

i finally ordered something that was not pho at a dong. but now i can tell you that the bun selections are also really good.

10:00 pm

My humidor
1 comment

10:21 pm

Man, I have done way too much js and css lately. I need a new after work hobby... that's not web dev, ha.

10:48 pm

Goin to bed earlier

June 24, 2008