Friday, July 19, 2019

I checked in to 7 places, took 5 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 4.18 miles. I was in San Jose, Campbell, and Santa Clara Trailer Village, California.

10:24 am

Checked in at 76, San Jose, California

10:51 am

Checked in at PayPal, San Jose, California

4:54 pm

Pool time

6:43 pm

Checked in at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Jose, San Jose, California

7:24 pm

Interesting industrial hook idea

7:40 pm


8:08 pm

A nice old VW bus

8:46 pm

Checked in at El Guapo's Campbell, Campbell, California

9:07 pm

Both sides seem pretty accessible to me...

9:32 pm

Checked in at Boiler Maker, Campbell, California

10:12 pm

Checked in at Campbell Brewing Company, Campbell, California

10:58 pm

The California bay area really is beautiful. It's unfortunate that humans have ruined it.

11:23 pm

Checked in at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Jose, San Jose, California

July 19, 2019