Saturday, July 2, 2005

I took 38 photos. I was in Willowbrook, Illinois.

3:17 pm

Steph's Party

3:18 pm

Steph's Fiesta

3:34 pm

Sweet Cactus in Steph's back yard

3:39 pm

Hanging out at the basement bar

3:41 pm

The Pittsburg guys brought some IC Light. My new favorite light beer.

4:33 pm

Playing Bocce with Larry, Mark, and Elizabeth

4:36 pm

Chris, Marianne, and Guests

4:42 pm

Becca, Elizabeth, Kari, and Liz Bowman

4:42 pm

Kari, Lindsey, Liz, and Becca

4:46 pm

Hanging out in the back yard

4:47 pm

Liz, Steph, Becca, and Elizabeth

4:47 pm

Kari and a Margarita

5:11 pm

Dr Bob leading the mariachi band

5:12 pm

Marie, Tara, and Erin

5:12 pm

The Mariachi Band

5:12 pm

The Mariachi Band

5:12 pm

The Mariachi Band

5:14 pm

The Mariachi Band

5:16 pm

Dr Bob, Steph, Cheryl, and guests

5:20 pm

Steph and Marie

6:40 pm

Elizabeth: The only person to crash the pocket bike so far
1 comment

6:44 pm

Lindsey posing for Easy Riders

6:44 pm

The neighbor, Bobby

6:49 pm

Riding around Steph's street

6:53 pm

Erin riding around

6:54 pm

A BMW M parked outside of Steph's

6:57 pm

My pocket bike parked outside of Steph's

7:14 pm

Steph, Dr. Bob, and Cheryl

7:16 pm

Steph, Dr. Bob, and the Pinata

7:20 pm

Steph and the Pinata

7:20 pm

Steph and Dr. Bob

7:21 pm


7:22 pm

Marianne, Steph, and Elizabeth getting candy

7:22 pm

Elizabeth's candy FUPA

7:28 pm

Mark throwing the football

8:28 pm

Steph on the pocket bike

8:31 pm

Chris after taking it for a spin

9:46 pm

Steph opening gifts
July 2, 2005