Friday, August 16, 2013

I slept 7.27 hours, checked in to 1 place, took 18 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 5.50 miles. I was in Grand Marais, Minnesota.

6:53 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.27 hours

7:04 am

Glass water in the morning

10:20 am

Paddling around Horseshoe Lake

11:36 am

Lizz Lake

12:22 pm

Entering civilization via the Windigo Lodge

1:22 pm

Just entered civilization! First orders of business: dewski, pizza, shower, and ice cold beer. In that order.
1 comment

1:31 pm

Checked in at Windigo Lodge, Grand Marais, Minnesota

1:53 pm

First orders of business: Dewski, Pizza, Cold Beer.

5:37 pm

Not quite fully into civilization... still in a land of no cell phone towers and barely any internet... People live much differently here.

6:07 pm

Can't get enough Spades

7:21 pm

this was a tasty beer

7:29 pm

Hanging out at Trail Center

8:55 pm

This is what I had to deal with for another day after coming out of the wilderness

8:56 pm

How do people live like this?

9:14 pm

The Windigo

10:47 pm

Celebrating Chelsea's Birthday

10:54 pm

Birthday Shots

11:16 pm


11:16 pm

Birthday Dancin

11:22 pm

At the Windigo

11:25 pm

I imagine this is every musician within a 30 mile radius of the Windigo

11:55 pm

Shooting pool with Nathan and Jordan
August 16, 2013