Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I slept 7.45 hours, checked in to 3 places, took 1 photo, wrote 5 microblogs, walked 2.31 miles, and weighed 183.5 pounds. I was in Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

8:35 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.45 hours

8:36 am

I'd love to be able to breathe through my nose again.

9:10 am

Texas Flights booked. Going to visit my sister in San Antonio for the 1st time in nearly 5yrs and then check out Austin outside of SXSW.

9:55 am

11:14 am

New Driver's License

12:45 pm

Checked in at Francie's Bar & Grill, Des Moines, Iowa

2:08 pm

Checked in at US Post Office, Ankeny, Iowa

2:23 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

2:58 pm

In a Francie's coma after lunch with some ol Red 5 peeps... Need. Energy.

8:25 pm

I love introducing dogs to Pink Floyd - Dogs.
1 comment

11:10 pm

Went to bed

11:14 pm

Fell asleep

September 3, 2013