2,685 / 11,796 tagged #Travel
flickr.com/gp/r...ffa2112/9Z44W7" title="SL210">live.staticflic...51af8a01_m.jpg" width="220" height="127" alt="SL210" />
Participate with this photo, or with another photo of your choice, in the following competition
Beer - Birra

Here is a link to this competition:

You have until november 06 to enter this competition.
To enter:
1) Join the group "Only Contest"
2) Click "Share" on your chosen photo, which will open a window
3) Click on "Embed", then change the format to "Medium 500 x 336", and copy the highlighted HTML
4) Go to the contest you will be participating in (see link above)
5) Identify your entry in the Comments box with the pound sign (#) and a number. Use the next consecutive number after the number used by the most recent entry
6) Paste the HTML copied in step 3 into the Comments box
7) Send the comment and your photo will appear