44 / 66 tagged #SoapShoes #DerekBrooks
Travis (in red) does a frontside, the most basic trick, while Aaron, 20, pulls off a difficult backslide behind Derek and Shane West-look-alike Zach.

derek posted

Zach, 19, Monmouth, IL

How long he's been soaping: Four years. "I was broke, so I tried to make my own pair by screwing grind plates from my rollerblades onto the sides of some shoes. But they didn't work - I could feel the screws sticking into my feet. Then, I found a pair on sale for $50." (The first Soaps came out in 1996 and were inspired by kids who used wax - sometimes soap - to make surfaces slicker.)

What gives Soapers a bad name: Most people think they do the same things as skateboarders and skater - i.e., "break stuff and scratch up rails," says Zach, who's been hassled by his fair share of security guards. (FYI: Soaps are less damaging than skates or boards because they're made of plastic, fabric, and rubber, and don't have exposed wood or metal parts. Plus, Soapers only gain momentum to jump on things by running, not rolling.)

His solution: Bring a basketball. "Me and my friend used to carry one around, so that when they yell at us we can say we're just looking for a hoop."

His favorite time to Soap: Fall and winter. "it's fun grinding on ice. Plus if there's a lot of snow around, you can do front flips off rails and land in it." Sounds dangerous to us, but Zach says he hasn't gotten hurt that way - knock on wood.

His other passion: Roller hockey. "It takes more body exertion [than other sports] and is aggressive - you're skating hard constantly."

derek posted

Travis, 16, Cordova, IL

How long he's been Soaping: Two years.

It's a good thing he's employed: His mom refused to pay the fine he got with friends last year while Soaping (and trespassing) at Augustana Colleg in Rock Island. "[The police] loaded up about 10 of us in a car and gave us a free ride to the cop shop. Then we each got a $50 ticket."

He's a multitasker: Though he says collecting garbage after races at the Cordova Dragway Park sucks, Travis' job isn't that bad. "There are handrails down the sides of the stands and benches all over the place. A couple of the people I Soap with work there, too. So we do it when we're cleaning up."

Why he likes older women: "I've met so many college chicks while Soaping [on campuses]. They come over and are like, 'Wow, that's pretty cool!' and I'm like, 'You wanna try?' Then they think you're all sweet."

derek posted

To see other daredevil Soapers, like Nate's cute brother, Nick, go to ym.com's "Boys" section.

derek posted

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