6,363 / 11,945 in BrooxMobile
Ah... there's the problem. The tires aren't supposed to go on the top of the car.
Daaaaaang, what the hell happened??
Oooff. That didn't take long.
Wow, that looks nasty. Glad he's ok.
I seen this once before when i was rookie. High performance vehicle Low performance driver.
A moment of silence. I loved that car
That sucks dude, thankfully he’s ok but that reminds me of when I sold my mustang years ago, kid wrapped it around a tree 3 weeks after he bought it, he was ok too
This is why I stopped selling my built or tuned cars to anyone under 21 lol but then again a 23 year old bought the GTO and rolled in 2 weeks latee. 😅
OMG!!! I guess VW makes a pretty safe car! WOW! Glad he's OK! AND glad it wasn't you!!!
Did it have the donut on it when he bought it?
That’s what happens when someone without the experience gets their hands on something with a bit too much power for their ability level. Happens a lot when kids use their dad’s cars on prom night.
Contact the insurance company and buy it back for cheap cheap cheap!