Teresa Reynolds

I've got 906 things tagged #TeresaReynolds

904 photos

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2 blog entries

Vic's Ears and Reynolds Anniversary Party

So last weekend, we hosted a 30th Anniversary party for Jeff and Teresa. It was quite ridiculous - lots of people, barely enough food, and lots of drinks. Saturday morning, Jeff, Vic, and I went to 5 point studios to get Victor's ears pierced. He's been wanting to 0-00 gauge plugs, however he has never had his ears pierced. So we talked to Leo at 5 point to find out he could very easily … Read more

Mother's Day and PB Houses

Mother's Day this year was pretty fun. Friday Jeff came into town then we got sushi @ Taki, went to Court Avenue, etc. Pretty routine night. Definitely good. Saturday, Teresa and Vic showed up, we cooked some homebrew, then we all went tailgating at the Iowa Cubs game. This time I didn't have a 102 degree fever! The actual ballgame was pretty fun as well. It started off good with … Read more